Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Update: It's Not All That Serious

So, a couple of updates from the last post.

1. My apologies for the profanity. I was really upset (still am, the more I think about it) about that awful nurse/trainee/candy striper/whatever. And it obviously came out in my potty mouth. Or potty keyboard, as the case may be. I just typed what was in my head, and what was in my head was clearly foul language.

2. Caetlin is much better today. I think she just had a random little viral infection. If she were any other kid, she would have thrown up Saturday night, been a little green and glassy and off her feed on Sunday, taken a long nap in the afternoon, and that would have been the end of it. Caetlin being Caetlin, she just does things a little more, ah, dramatically.

Anyway, her temperature was normal all day today, and she played hard in the kiddie pool that she went to with her nanny, and when we got home this evening she was just in a great mood. She ate well and napped well and it was just an all-over good day for her.

She goes to the pediatrician on Wednesday morning, to follow up on the urine culture (which I suspect will be negative, given the lowered fever) and to generally make sure she's okay. But all signs point to her being well on her way to recovered, if not all the way there already.

Thanks for all your prayers and concern.

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