Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Most Boring Post Ever

Not much posting because not much to say. Life just kind of rolls on around the No Math household. I have a couple of vacation picture posts that need to be worked up, but they generally take awhile and I haven't had "awhile" to focus on blogging for a couple of weeks.

Part of the time crunch is that we've been walking a lot for exercise and entertainment, and I've been cooking a lot, which takes up a lot of time when you're as bad with a chef's knife as I am (I'm getting better with practice, I can tell. Also, we've signed up for a beginner series of cooking classes at the end of June- can. not. wait.). Also, this week, I've been working a lot. Like, Charlotte-firm hours (before the slowdown, anyway; I hear from my old colleagues that everyone more or less surfs the internet all day right now). It kind of sucks, I have to say. I saw Caetlin for about 10 minutes total yesterday. Hopefully the ridiculous project that's been sucking my soul will end today and my schedule can go more or less back to normal.

Bruce had a rather sobering talk with his boss a few days ago about his attitude, which has , ah, verged on the cynical, shall we say, so he is working more as well, trying to add value wherever he can, given that there is not much work for him to do in his department. So he was working late last night as well, on, of all things, a litigation document review. I can only be grateful for our wonderful, fantastic, flexible nanny who is so willing to stay late and accommodate us.

Caetlin continues to grow and be awesome- she's a lot of fun to hang around with now. She's really growing into a real person with a real personality. She's become shy with strangers, which is actually really cute, because she kind of flirts with people she doesn't know, smiling and hiding her face. She surprises me daily with the things she says and knows.

Hmmm, what else? We're starting a garden. I want an herb garden and we're going to also throw in some tomatoes and peppers and other things too. I'll post pictures when the plants get in the ground. And then post pictures three weeks later, when inevitably the garden will be a barren ruin, thanks to my lack of skill with plants.

Yawn. I'm even boring myself. Wake me when my life gets interesting, will you?

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