Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Weight Watching

So, after returning from vacation, Bruce and I both embarked on some serious weight loss strategies, which have taken up a lot of our free time (hence the lack of posts). Instead of talking about and writing about wanting to eat more healthily and lose that 20 or so pounds, I'm actually doing something about it.

I joined Weight Watchers.

I have railed against Weight Watchers as Not For Me for years and years, so this may come as something of a surprise to those who have heard me decry the counting of "points" as too difficult. But I'm determined to start eating better this time, and I thought that Weight Watchers could teach me how to do that. I chose the "Core" plan, which is actually perfect for someone like me with my goals. On the Core plan, there is a list of foods that do not count any points at all; you can eat as much as you want of the foods on that list. There are a few rules; for example, potatoes or brown rice can only be eaten once per day. You are given 35 points per week for those items that you just can't live without, and you can obtain more points through activity. Best of all, there is a huge library of recipes with nutritional information included, many of which incur no points. The food list is full of really great stuff: fresh and frozen veggies, fruits of all kinds, lean chicken and turkey, fish, and lean beef. For the last two weeks, I have been carefully noting everything I have been eating, and I've been cooking for myself most nights. Now, I'm not much of a cook, though I can see already that I am getting better at it. But part of the point here is to force myself to cook, because by cooking, I will almost by default eat better (and we'll save money too).

I didn't sign up to go to meetings- I don't need a support group. I signed up for the online tools, which are easy and fun to use, and are really useful. It's easy to track what I'm eating when I enter them into the computer, as I am in front of a computer 7 days a week.

Best of all- it's working! I've lost 5 pounds in the last two weeks. Plus I just feel better- more energy, less upset tummy. And I think it will be easy to maintain this way of eating once I reach my goal- I'll probably allow myself a few more low fat, as opposed to fat free, dairy products, and maybe a bit more peanut butter, which I sorely miss- but otherwise, I think this is a great lifestyle change for me.

One thing I will say is that it has made me very aware of how much crap I was eating before, when I had thought I was making decent choices. It turns out that fast food and takeout just aren't that healthy, unless you're really paying attention to what you're ordering. And many times, the "healthy" options either contain hidden fat and calories or aren't very appetizing.

So, we just got back from yet another trip to the Dekalb Farmer's Market, where I've been going to load up on fresh, organic veggies and fruits, after having walked for an hour or so around the mall (best indoor activity for toddlers and parents on a rainy day). I plan to cook for the week either today or tomorrow. I'm also going to get the items I need for my own herb garden today, since I can see that I will spend a fortune on herbs if I don't start growing them myself.

I have a lot more to write about regarding this fairly radical lifestyle change of ours, but I'll talk about that later.

Oh! One more thing- I'd like to give a shout out to my friend in Charlotte, who recently started blogging here. She will tell you all about how to live a green lifestyle, and also maybe a little bit about her wonderful children and husband. Go check her out.

Also later- more vacation photos, as promised.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love those herbs in a tube that they have at the grocery store

their web page: