Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back on the East Coast

And the jetlag is simply awful. We took the redeye last night (delayed a day because of awful weather in Atlanta on Sunday night, so our vacation stretched an extra day. It turns out it is less of an adventure than it is a hassle to have to extend by a day when your mind had already been turned to taking the flight and going home and returning to work), and arrived as the sun was rising over the city this morning. Neither Bruce nor I got even a few minutes of sleep on the plane, though Caetlin managed to grab about three hours. We were all wiped out when we got home, and Caetlin went right back to sleep until about 2 p.m. Bruce and I catnapped for a couple of hours and then went in to spend an utterly useless day at work, with both of us struggling to stay awake and not accomplishing much in the way of anything. We came home to crash hard, which we did around 7:30, falling into a deep sleep.

...And we're both awake now at 11:30, which according to our bodies is 7:30 in the evening. Thanks to her still taking an afternoon nap and the fact that she was completely sleep deprived, Caetlin managed to go down at 8:00 or so (4:00-late but still doable naptime- according to her body) and has so far slept through the night. Our hope is that she will sleep all the way through and then be most of the way adjusted to the new time zone. The night time in her room probably has to help with that.

As for us, I am hopeful that we can sleep again before it gets too late, as the work marches apace and I truly need to be less out of it tomorrow than I was today.

We just ordered a pizza (yeah, our respective diets have gone kaplooie while on vacation. We're getting back to them tomorrow, for while I am not trying to lose weight any more, for El Segundo related reasons, I am trying not to gain too much weight with this baby), so we'll be up for awhile. Wish us luck on getting at least some sleep.

More on our Alaska adventures, as well as the inevitable photo montages, later, probably this weekend, as we settle back into our normal lives.

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