Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Garden Update: Because I Know You Want It

While going through the Alaska pics and putting together one or more appropriate narrative posts might take awhile, I thought I would include a few pics of the garden, to whose crazy thick growth I returned.

The tomatoes are going crazy, and one of the what look like Roma tomatoes is starting to get some orange color.

Here is the freaky watermelon, that is growing so ridiculously fast. I added this little border to try to encourage it to grow away from the rest of the garden. Can I just say that I find it a little creepy how its little tendrils wind around everything, including the wire border fence (that I cleared away from the watermelon this evening), the grass outside the bed, etc.

Here are the way overgrown herbs. I need to find a pair of scissors and go harvest them back a bit.

Even the mint that was believed lost has made a nice recovery.

All is not totally well in the tomato's world, however. Bruce is always worrying about "varmints" (his word) taking the tomatoes before they get ripe. Well, this evening, his worries were well-founded- a varmint grabbed one of the green tomatoes.

"Wait, you mean I wasn't supposed to pick this?"

"You'll forgive me because I'm adorable, though."

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