Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Brief Update

So, the Olympics are over. I can retire my "Olympics Dorkery" tag for another 4 years. My beloved water polo teams both finished with silver medals, which was less than expected for the women and far better than expected for the men.

What else is going on around here? Not much, after birthday weekend excitement, which saw as many immediate family as live within driving distance, plus the in-laws from Texas, congregate at our place for burgers and hot dogs on the grill and chocolate chip cookie cake. We all trekked down to a photography studio and had huge family pictures made, so that was good.

I'm still horribly snotty and am starting to believe that I will remain this way for the rest of my life. My nose still runs, and I still make that lovely snorting sound when I try to clear my nasal passages and, you know, breathe with them. It's all very attractive, I can assure you. And I'm terribly tired of it. Can I just get cleared up sinuses NOW, please?

We went over to Six Flags yesterday, and let me tell you, the days when it threatens rain are the best to go there. If we had wanted to ride any of the big coasters, yesterday would have been the day. However, we ended up going around three times on the Thomas the Tank Engine ride, and three times on the ride with the trucks, and three times on the ride with the tugboat that spins around. I'll let you guess whose idea those all were. Some rainy day when I'm not pregnant and we don't have Caetlin with us, then Bruce and I will go on those big rides together.

We were coming up the stairs to home yesterday afternoon, all happy after a successful and fun morning adventure, when tragedy struck. Caetlin was going up the side of the stairs that she doesn't normally go (she climbs the hill, rather than the stairs, I think because it's easier for her), and was struggling with the stuff in her hands, as it is a little steeper than the side she normally walks up. She sat down in some ground cover plants and was trying to rearrange the toys she was holding, when they came swarming out. It happened in slow motion for us: we saw the wasps, and began to connect that they were wasps, and all around her, and then she started screaming. Time sped back up again and Bruce grabbed her and shooed away the remaining wasps and took her, still screaming, into the house.

Of course we had no baking soda or children's Tylenol (that I could find). We washed the stings, one on her lower back and one on her left hand, and I ran to the drugstore and picked up those things, plus some Benadryl cream for if the stings start to itch. She was basically fine when I got home, and after her nap you could barely see where the stings had happened. She was back to her cheery usual self.

That and the rain put a kind of damper on the rest of the day, but all in all, it was still a good weekend.

And now, I actually have work to do, so I must be getting on with it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you can bring the "olympics dorkery" tag back in 2010 for the winter olympics