Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Still Sick. Still An Olympics Nerd.

Okay, I sound terrible. I've had (very nice and caring) people with whom I am working across the table on a transaction comment today on how awful I sound (not that I went in to work today, but I did try to manage working at home a little). I feel better, a little. Not a lot. I've lost that molasses feeling of being unable to do anything but slug around in bed, but I still can't say I feel anything resembling good.

The only upside of being sick is being able to indulge my Olympics-love to my heart's content. I fell asleep about halfway through last night's prime time, and then woke up a couple hours later (that's how I'm sleeping lately; it's horrible and I do not recommend it) to finish watching. Imagine the curses I threw at myself for having failed to set any extra time on the TiVo! I set it to record the prime time re-broadcast so I could watch this morning, when I caught the final gymnastics rotation, medal ceremony and excruciating post-meet interviews- the one with Alicia Sacramone was particularly painful. And the interviewer basically followed the "Step 1: Insert knife. Step 2: Twist." interview form, asking her something along the lines of, "You sound like you're blaming yourself. Why is that?" She may as well have asked, "Tell us all why you think you suck. No, really. Don't hold back." Anyway, I was impressed with Ms. Sacramone's poise in keeping it together during the interviews, when she was so clearly ready to dissolve at any moment.

And yes, I realize that NBC made a liar out of me by showing men's beach volleyball in prime time last night. The point holds, though, that there have been quite a few more women's matches televised in prime time than men's. It was actually worse during the Athens games, which is when I first noticed it.

In other news- did anyone see the USA-Italy men's water polo match? Holy smokes, was that a good game! And the women's match against Italy was similarly good, if a little more disappointing in the outcome. That Casanova is a beast!

Anyway, so begins another evening of hacking, coughing, Phelps watching (that 4x200M relay was crazy!), etc. Wish me luck that maybe I can get some sleep tonight, since I don't think I can miss another day of work.


Anonymous said...

U-S-A! U-S-A!

Oh, yes. I embrace my inner nerd too.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better this weekend :) Did everything go okay on Thursday?