Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Back to What Really Matters

And what you all come here for anyway:


We had our 18-month checkup yesterday. 18 months! I continue to be amazed that we have managed to keep her alive for so long. And by all appearances are going to be successful at continuing that trend. How did we get so competent??

The stats: 33 inches long, which is tall for her age. She's almost three whole feet! 25 pounds, 2 ounces, which indicates that she is starting to become thinner- it's not quite as far up the growth chart (though still at the 75th percentile). She's a tall, slim child, basically. And I don't remember her head circumference number, but it was also at the 75th percentile (for the brains!). I think they stop measuring that one after this.

She was so good in the doctor's office, though of course she waited until the doctor left the room to demonstrate her mad verbal skillz. The doctor was all, "You just made my Monday morning!" when Caetlin was quiet and still during the physical exam. Apparently 18 month olds, not so much with the still and the quiet. She basically didn't say anything while the doctor was in the room, and the minute the door closed, she's all, "Bye! Ball! Elmo!" after the doctor, the toy we had with us, and a book that was in the room, respectively.

Only one shot, and she didn't even cry, even though it was a long shot, not one of those quick in and out jobs. She's such a good girl!

Apparently developing normally, which I would have guessed. Our one issue is the paci. Our pediatrician likes to recommend that kids give up their pacifiers at 18 months, and while Caetlin doesn't need it all day, it is essential for falling asleep and if she's stressed. We've been slacking about letting her have it during the day lately, so we'll try to curb that. I'm not terribly concerned about it if she goes to sleep with it until she's 2. I want to be able to explain to her that she's giving it up, and I just don't think she's there for understanding that yet.

So, that's that! She's doing great, a really happy and cheerful baby. We've had a great weekend with her. I've got some adorable pictures of Bruce and Caetlin chilling out at the end of a long day, but they are in my camera right now, which is in the room where my husband currently lies sleeping, so those will have to wait.

But rest assured, the baby is well. Photographic evidence to follow later.

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