Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Yay, Me!

I just have to put it out there because I am so proud of myself- I have been on the treadmill three times this week! And, more importantly for me, in both the morning and the evening, suggesting that I really can manage it no matter what my schedule!

It's not been much, just 20 minutes each time, followed by a few (a VERY few) body weight strength training exercises. But I've been working up more speed each time, and next week I will add time as well. My goal is to end up running, and though I hate to run, I am optimisitic that I can actually do this.

Why the change of heart, away from laziness? Well, first, I've mentioned that we want to have another baby this year, and if I'm not planning on cracking the big 2-0-0 in pregnancy, I better get some of this weight off me now. Plus the minor things like doing everything I can to avoid high blood pressure and getting fit for an easy delivery. The major factor, though, and I'm a little ashamed to admit this, is TiVo. I have TiVo desktop on my computer, which allows me to download shows to my computer off my TiVo. It turns out that when I can watch TV- not just whatever is on, like you're stuck with in the gym, but something I actually want to watch, I can be distracted enough from how boring I find exercise to keep with it.

While it's a little embarassing that I need TV to help me exercise, I'll take it. I feel like this is something I can stick with, for the first time in a long time. The only thing I think I would really like better is having an exercise buddy, but that's not feasible here right now, so I'm going with what works for me. Also, it's probably the most efficient way for me to exercise- I can almost literally roll out of bed and onto the treadmill. No worries about weather. No need to worry about my hair or whether I took all my makeup off enough for no raccoon eyes. When I'm done, it's up the stairs and into the shower. No need to bring my stuff anywhere. I have to say again: I feel like this is something I can stick with, for the first time in a long time.

I am so happy about this! Watch the pounds start falling off! Yay, me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go!!! It's always hard to start an exercise regime, but when you start to see results it's always worth the effort...not to mention the baby incentive!
