Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Friday, October 3, 2008

I Know How to Pander

Yes, despite the fact that the VP debate was last night, this post and its title have nothing to do with politics. But I do know how to pander. I know my core audience, see. And I know what they want. I know why (most) of my readers come back here.

And so, because it has been awhile, I give you...a video of Caetlin.

Little background here- I took this with our Flip camera. When we were in Alaska, we took a few movies of her being her, not doing anything special, and used them as Caetlin crack to help her stay calm and quiet during the many times she was strapped into her car seat. The girl LOVES watching herself. So this entire video is her attempt to get the camera. She's asking for "Smile, please" because in the most-watched video during our time in Alaska, Caetlin herself was saying, "Smile! Say cheese!" So the camera is officially "Smile." You can see about halfway through she wonders if I don't understand her and switches to asking for "Caetlin" which is kind of more accurate.

The camera work is shaky because I was trying to move away from her so I could keep her in the picture, which involved moving from furniture to floor, etc.

Anyway, enjoy! See what a big girl she is!

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