Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Friday, November 7, 2008

23 Weeks

I know I haven't posted much, and I do actually have plenty of unimportant drivel to throw out there. But as I mentioned to a friend recently, nothing much has been happening, and that's been keeping me away from the computer. Like, I'd rather read, as I've been into some good books lately, or watch fall TV (Bruce and I are horrible TV junkies and our fall schedule this year is actually manageable, so I'm thrilled we're actually keeping up with our TiVo). Or sleep. Or hang out with Caetlin. Work has also gotten in the way, in the sense that it is always feast or famine, and when it's feast, it's not exactly respectful of the whole leaving-at-6-p.m. thing.

But! I went to the doctor on Wednesday, and I'm off light duty and can resume normal activities! Yay! I can pick Caetlin up again, although that's starting to get tough anyway, hauling her around with my belly. The doctor told me that I should avoid violent sports, so that football league I was planning to join is out. But, you know, we all make sacrifices, right?

Apparently my placenta will only grow one way, which is away from the cervix, so it will either get sufficiently out of the way in time for Segunda to be delivered the usual way, or it won't and I'll have to have a C-section. But it is VERY likely that it will get out of the way, as there is still quite a bit of time to go until that becomes an issue. And there is no chance that it will grow back over the cervix. He'll look at it again some time in the third trimester, but for now all systems are go. Segunda's heartbeat is strong, and I can feel her moving around pretty much constantly now. I've also apparently only gained 11 pounds so far, which is a shock to me and a pleasant surprise.

I go back in 4 weeks and have the blood sugar test where they make me drink the nasty orange sugar water and wait an hour, and then after that I'll start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks. Which would be appropriate because I'll be in my third trimester at that point. It seems very strange to think that this pregnancy is going by so quickly. It makes me kind of panic because there is only a very small amount of work to be done to prepare for Segunda's arrival, at least as compared to Caetlin, but we pretty much haven't done any of it. My nesting instinct is starting to nag at me. I was too busy to really nest when I was pregnant with Caetlin, so I have to nest double this time.

Anyway, 23 weeks and all is well.

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