Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hello? Is this thing on?

Here they come.

There they are.

Don't look at them!

Only my sister and my dad will get that joke. It's an old one made by these guys, whom my parents listened to when I was a kid. Who knew they were still performing?? And yes, I'm a dork and a half, but they were- are- funny!

So, here I am to try that blogging thing, the whole "put your entire life on the internet for everyone to gawk at thing." On this blog, things you may find include (but are not limited to) the following (you see what I did there- that's the geeky lawyer in me coming out, despite my best efforts to keep her down):

-Stories about my wonderful husband Bruce and my beautiful daughter Caetlin, who turns an entire year old in about 10 hours. Happy birthday, baby!
- Stories about my family. I have an older sister and a twin brother. My parents are divorced; my dad is remarried, My mom is batshit crazy (a clinical term), but more about that later;
- Stories about my job at a large law firm (but only innocuous stories, because I like said job);
- Stories about our psycho animals (three cats and a dog);
- Stories about my and our friends, including those we left in Charlotte, North Carolina when we moved here a couple months ago, those we're s-l-o-w-l-y making here, and others scattered across the country;
- Stories about our experiences with Hot-lanta; and
- General self-indulgent navel gazing, lint picking, etc. (Let's be real- this last more or less encompasses it all, right?)

Did I mention I have a baby? I think she's going to be the star of this show, because I'm one of those ridiculously boring parents who thinks their kid is perfect, and beautiful, and wonderful, blah blah barf-cakes. But really...

Isn't she?? Isn't she??

She's going to hate me for this in about 10 years, I think.

Anyway, here we go, about 5 years past the time to be jumping on the "blogging bandwagon" as we nerds would say- my blog back then, way back when I started reading them and thinking, "Hey! I could do that!" was going to be called something like Ten Thousand Monkeys with Ten Thousand Typewriters, which I still think is pretty cool, but is excessively nerdy. But, I'm excessively nerdy, which may become quite clear and obvious soon, if not already.

Really, though, it's aaallll about the kid. Isn't it always? I just want a reason to post pictures of her, so the world can oooh and aaah over how cute she is.

UPDATE: Okay, it is seriously embarrassing to have to correct my very first post, but the link above now refers to the correct act for the lame joke with which I opened this blog. I had originally linked to these guys. My bad. My comment about who knew they were still performing holds true for both of them, I guess.

1 comment:

redtop41 said...

You left your darling brother out of the people who would get the joke. I got, I got it(as he is jumping up and down)!!! =)