Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One Year Checkup

So, we did the 12 month appointment on Monday. Here are the stats:

22 pounds, 12 ounces (she's HUGE!)
31.5 inches long (even HUGER!)
18 inches around the head (for the BRAINS!)

The doctor watched her scrambling from one piece of furniture to the next in the exam room and agreed with me that she just wasn't convinced in her heart that she could walk, but that physically, she has all the tools. She just needs to realize the benefits of walking. But she's always done things in her own time. She was also pronounced "beautiful" and developmentally perfect.

She also had her shots. So sad! Her big blue eyes get all wet and her face gets all red, and she does those hitching sobs that kill me. But she recovered as soon as we went back into the front where all the other kids are. Yesterday she was slightly warm and definitely cranky- I think her legs were hurting her. But so far no sign of really high fever or other reaction, and I'm hoping she'll be more like herself today. (For each of the last two rounds of shots, she had a previously undetected underlying infection- pneumonia at 6 months, a urinary tract infection at 9 months- that precipitated a spike in fever and resulting febrile seizure. Yeah, THAT was a party. But so far, nothing this time. Woo-hoo!)

By the way, I am securely on the definitely yes vaccinate my child bandwagon. I think the autism "link" is pure horse hockey. And I think vaccines do so much more good than harm- do we really want to return to the "summer killer" days of polio? You can see one perspective on the debate, from someone who had not vaccinated her kids and is now coming around to thinking them necessary, here. The comments are interesting- you get a wide range of perspectives, though most commenters fall into the "yes to vaccines" camp. It was not anything I would have ever thought would be a question before I had children, and I remain amazed that there is even a debate about it even now.

So that was Caetie's year checkup- all systems go for a perfect baby!

Also Monday- we saw Willie Nelson in concert. I'll write more about that later- I'm late for work. Hadn't intended to be all thoughtful and shit with that Civil War-Japanese history post, and I used up all my time there.

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