Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

27 Weeks

I had my 27 week appointment this week, where they did my glucose screening test, which I passed easily. I also got my Rhogam shot, which is something to do with the Rh factor- I am A negative blood type, and if Bruce has a positive blood type, Segunda could possibly be positive as well, which could cause problems between her body and mine. We've not bothered to find out Bruce's blood type to rule out whether we need the shot or not. It's just one shot at 27 weeks, and I'll need more after delivery if Segunda is positive. Caetlin was not positive, so I didn't have it after delivery with her.

I'm told that is the last bloodwork to be done for the rest of the pregnancy- woo-hoo! I don't mind needles but one does feel a bit like a pincushion after awhile. Segunda is measuring right on schedule, maybe a day or two behind, but nothing that would call my due date, which is an approximation anyway, into question. She's also apparently turned head down, which makes me happy happy happy. Not because she should be head down, which she should at some point, but because she- well, she had a tendency to kick me along my pelvic floor. Which is exactly what it sounds like. Ladies, think of the parts that are in your pelvic floor. Now imagine being kicked in them- from the inside. Yep, not fun. Extremely uncomfortable. Now I have her hooking her feet around my ribs. I'll take the ribs.

13 weeks to go. That feels simultaneously really long and really short. Anyway, I thought I'd try my hand at a belly picture or two. You can see that my belly button is almost flat by now. I have enough of an innie that it never pops out, but it does flatten out.

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