Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Conversation with Caetlin

Bruce told me he had the following exchange with Caetlin in the car this afternoon:

Caetlin rubs the bruise on her head. From the back seat, Bruce hears:
"Ow! Hurts!"

Bruce: "Don't touch it, silly!"

From the back seat:

Bruce: "Don't touch it, Caetlin!"


I think he gave up after a couple iterations.**

The offending goose egg, two days post-trauma.

**It wouldn't be funny if she wasn't doing so much better. Her fever was down to a low grade temp this morning and gone entirely this afternoon. She's tired, but seems to be recovering well. Therefore I feel I can safely laugh at her silliness.


Kelley said...

Poor Caetlin! That goose egg looks terrible! I wish (along with you, I know) that she would quickly outgrow these febrile seizures! I think she deserves a "Bless her heart!" Have they determined the offending organism?

Patricia said...

Nope. Whatever it is- middle ear infection or virus- it's clearing up fast. Her appetite is back and she's started to catch up on her rest. Thank goodness.