Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Phoebe at 1 Month- The Stats

We went to the pediatrician today for Phoebe's one month checkup (for those of you keeping score, she turned 1 month old yesterday). Here are her vitals:

Weight- 10 pounds, 7 ounces, a growth of 2 pounds, 10 ounces since birth (and over three pounds since her post-birth weight loss). This is right at the 90th percentile for baby girls, per the CDC's growth charts.

Length- 22 inches, a growth of 1.5 inches since birth. This is also at the 90th percentile.

Head circumference- 14.5 centimeters, which is at the 50th percentile. She has her daddy's small head, apparently.

So, she's growing great. The doctor was also impressed with her alertness, and seemed pleased when we mentioned she was starting to smile a bit- mostly around the eyes, but also with her mouth, in her sleep sometimes. She looks perfect, and is healthy as can be. We still had some concerns regarding the amount she spits up, as I mentioned before, but the diagnosis is still overfeeding. Not on my part, on her part. She just doesn't quite get when to stop sometimes. The doctor basically said if it happens every time she eats or starts to really bother her, then we might have an issue, but otherwise, keep feeding on demand and not worry about the spit up.

I also discussed the vaccination schedule with the pediatrician. Because Caetlin has such a history of febrile seizures, at least two of which have occurred on the same day as her shots, I wanted to space the shots out a tiny bit, just so as to not stress Phoebe's system in the event she is prone to seizures as well. At least once with Caetlin, she had an undiagnosed infection the day of her shots that contributed to the fever, but the fact remains that her fever may have been driven up by the shots. The doctor agreed with me that there was ample evidence to space out the shots a bit, so we're going to be doing two at a time, rather than a whole bunch at a time. It means a few more visits, but I'm okay with that, if it reduces the chance of Phoebe having a seizure from a vaccination-induced fever. Maybe it won't; maybe the shots have not had anything to do with Caetlin's fevers and subsequent seizures. But it's worth the extra time. I'm a big proponent of vaccines and will not be the parent that skips them or fails to bring the baby in for the extra visits.

All in all, a good visit. Phoebe is growing like crazy!

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