Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Of Course

Because we were set to go on vacation next week, of course my daughter has come down with the first cold she's had, oh, since our last vacation. It's been a good while since her last one, anyway. She has an immune system like clockwork.

But wait, you say. If she's sick now, it means she probably will be mostly recovered then. Yes, yes she will. Selfish as it may seem, it's not really her health I am concerned about. Let's see...she started being symptomatic yesterday, I can avoid it for three days, add two for incubation... aaannnndd I predict that I'm getting sick right around Thursday of this week. Which will make my vacation just peachy.

Bruce says I shouldn't write about this, "Because it's like The Secret, only like it's a bad Secret. You'll make it come true by thinking about it and writing about it." It's the Power of Negative Thinking all the way around here these days.

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