Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wish For Spring

Yesterday, it smelled like spring when I walked out the door to go to work. It was the kind of day that, when I was a kid, even all the way through college, I would wear shorts to school even though it wasn't close to warm enough. I would freeze all day, and protest through my shivers, "But it should be warm enough!" It smelled fresh and cool, and of growing things.

Driving home for lunch today, I noticed that it seems like the trees have started flowering almost overnight. Last week, it was still cold and grey and the trees scratched the sky with their bare limbs. Today white and pink line the roads, even on the short drive from the office to the house. A smear of green here and there. Many colors of tulips closer to the ground.

The Allman Brothers' "Blue Sky" has been running through my head for the last few days. It's a spring song, to me, a happy song of love and of course gorgeous guitar. I had an appreciation for the Allman Brothers bestowed upon me in college that has never left me, for which I remain grateful.

I'm ready for warmer weather, sunny days, bluer skies. I know that soon it will be too hot to breathe, that I will daily battle bad hair and high power bills in all the humidity, but for now, I'm ready for a change from the dreariness.

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