Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Things I Did Today

Today, I did these things:

1. Closed a deal. Actually, spent two-thirds of the day closing the deal, working email and the phone, stress churning my stomach into bright knots of pain. The deal itself was not hard, but because of a few extenuating circumstances with things my client needed to deliver, the outcome was in doubt until it actually funded. Also, my client is on the other side of the world, so it grew more and more difficult to get things done as it got later and later at night where they are.

1a. Spoke to people in three different countries.

2. Had to tell someone on a conference call (unrelated to the deal mentioned above), "No one here really cares who screwed up or is interested in pointing fingers. We just want to make sure it gets fixed." The person I was telling this to was definitely the screw up.

3. Taught my daughter to sit down in order to do the"Nose to Toes" yoga position that we're learning in our baby yoga class. If she tries to do it standing up, gravity makes actually bringing her nose to her toes (without bodily injury) very difficult.

4. Heard my daughter tell me she loves me, unprompted, after I asked her to give me a kiss.

5. When playing with her foam bath letters and numbers, realized that my daughter knows the number 7, and taught her how a W can be an M if you turn it upside down.

6. Wore myself out lifting weights tonight after Caetlin went to bed.

7. Had a tasty meatball sub for dinner- Bruce makes the best meatballs ever.

8. Watched a little America's Next Top Model (oh yes, yes I did. I am not ashamed. Nope. I own my crappy taste in TV).

9. Wrote a blog post.

10. Collapsed gratefully into bed, knowing that I won't get any emails in the middle of the night, at least not of any substance. Knowing that I don't need to wake up early in the morning to work, and knowing that there is a decent chance I actually will get to take a long lunch to go watch the Georgia game tomorrow.

So ends yet another day of "having it all." Was this what our moms' generation meant when they broke through the glass ceiling for us?

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