Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Are You Kidding Me??

So, I love my husband really more than just about anything- he and Caetlin are 1 and 1(a) in my list. So, it is with all love and affection that I state that he hates me tonight. I can think of no other explanation why, when I am tossing and turning in the throes of a terrible bout of insomnia, he would snore like a bleeding lawnmower, and the very minute I throw in the towel and decide to get up and work already, he rolls over and falls utterly silent.

This is not a man who snores very often, and usually I can poke him and he'll roll over and that will be the end of it. Not this night. Not during these last 2 hours that I've been awake and trying to sleep. My pokes, and his subsequent rolls, did nothing but change the pitch and tenor of the nasal symphony.

He must hate me. It's payback for me asking him to turn off Family Guy when I was trying to fall asleep since the TV was bothering me (an unusual occurrence- normally I drop off and stay asleep with no problem).

Let me say, sweetie, that I do not appreciate this. Not one bit. I mean, the uncharacteristic snoring, fine, whatever, but to immediately fall silent when I get up to at least be productive with my waking hours?? That's just mean. That's just salt in the wound.

Can someone help me pull that sharp thing out from between my shoulder blades? I can't quite reach it. Whatever it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain...I've been awake since 3:15 this morning. It's been a loooooong day...
