Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

And Now For Something A Little Different

Whew! Now that that's out of my system (not really, but enough of it is for now to think about other things), I thought we could go for something a little different.

Perhaps the funniest thing I have read in a long time is here. Go read it. Go on now. I'll wait.

You back? No, really, I mean it! Go! (But come back.)

So, after you've read that and wiped your eyes and possibly made a quick unexpected stop at the bathroom, I have to say that Finslippy is my hero. I would add her to my non-existent blogroll, if I were less lazy and actually had one. I wish I could write half as well and be half as funny. I also have to say that reading that post (and some of the comments) made me feel like Superparent. I mean, yeah, I'm not around much, but I've never done anything like what was in the post (YET!).

My own inner Debbie Downer wants to add that the reason I haven't yet screwed up like this is because I'm never around, but to silence her, let me link here. For those too uncurious to click through, it is the first Debbie Downer sketch, which is hilarious. (By the way, Debbie Downer is a great reference for those of us who are, shall we say, less than cheerful sometimes. Very effective when relating a story to a friend or significant other- just add "Wah wah!")

Also, a hysterical side note, Caetlin has given me my "Mom finger" back at me for the first time today. Since this morning, every time I say something to her in my "stern voice," she will shake her little index finger very emphatically in the air and say, "NO!" It makes discipline very difficult when I'm howling with laughter at her.

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