Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Things

So, this vacation has been a huge learning experience for the little girl in our lives. Some new things that she knows:

She was presented with a stuffed cow yesterday, and somehow remembered that cows say "Moo." So she'll pick up the cow and walk around going, "MOO! MOO!" in her little baby voice. I swear, that voice of hers makes everything hysterical.

She's internalized the concepts of "open" and "closed," at least in regard to cabinets, doors, and Daddy's cell phone. She can also accompany the opening of said cabinets with the word "open," which ends up sounding like, "op-pee."

And finally, the thing that makes Mommy happiest, we managed to teach her how to go down stairs backward yesterday. She'll probably need some reinforcement of this new skill, but she was getting herself off the couch in the hotel room backward this morning, when we only taught her about it yesterday. You can't know how happy that makes me, since if she goes backwards down stairs, I can have a tiny bit more comfort that she won't fall down the stairs. Not that she doesn't still need supervision, but if she has some concept of down, that will make me very happy that she might exercise at least a smidge of caution when it comes to stairs, beds, chairs, etc.

Here's to no head injuries in 2008!

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