Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This Means Bad Things for Atlanta Traffic

I took this tonight after I got home. It's not a great picture- the flash went off and I wanted to see what it would be like without it, plus the flakes confounded the auto focus, which I don't yet know how to deal without. The orange spot in the middle is a streetlight. What I wanted to do was capture the whole snowflakes-in-streetlight effect, with the snowy ground below and the magnolia tree silhouetted in front.

Still, it certainly does have a certain wintry charm, I think. I like the idea of the big magnolia tree - the state tree of Mississippi (in my head, from when I was about 8 years old: "M-I-crooked-letter-crooked-letter-I-crooked-letter-crooked-letter-I-humpback-humpback-I")- in the snow. They only get that big in the South.

It was snowing pretty hard this afternoon and evening, and did it ever wreck the evening commute. It took us 30 minutes to get home tonight, a drive that normally takes about 15, even in traffic. (Yeah, we drove today. I don't know if I mentioned, but we've started taking the train every day. Except the days we drive. Like days it's forecast to snow during the evening commute.) I worried about our nanny, who has a much longer drive than that. It could be even worse tomorrow, as they are predicting rain and freezing rain and below freezing temperatures tonight, which could mean yucky icy slick streets. I don't think they are forecasting much accumulation of ice, so hopefully no downed power lines or tree branches.

Just a bad drive in tomorrow morning.

UPDATE: I think I forgot to mention that the battery in my camera died after one picture, so that's why I didn't continue on for what I actually wanted out of it. Also, the snow is almost all gone now, since it's been above freezing for awhile and also raining. Not much ice on the roads this morning, though it remains to be seen whether people are driving like there is.

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