Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

New Words

I know I haven't posted about the vacation, and that's not changing today, I don't think, unless I get to it tonight. Also, maybe tomorrow afternoon.

But I did want to mention one new thing: Caetlin has a new word.

She's adding to her vocabulary of about 10 words almost daily; she can now say duck, dog, ball, hi, bye, button, sometimes butterfly, dada, and now finally, mama. She also can sign "more" pretty proficiently. She has also said nekko (sp? Bruce will have to fix that one), which is the Japanese word for cat.

There's no mistaking her newest one, though. We thought we heard it Thursday evening when she was fussing because she was tired and doesn't like to be still for diaper and clothes changes. Then, yesterday morning, in the same diaper-changing scenario, there was no mistaking it.

There, in the midst of her whining, her little voice piped up: "No."

She kind of draws out the N a bit: "Nnno."

Bruce started laughing hysterically, while I just shook my head. "It begins," I said to him in my doomiest and gloomiest voice.

I took her out to her nanny for breakfast, and while I was holding Caetlin and explaining about the new word, she struggled to get down from my arms and busted it out. "Nnno. Nnno. Nnno." Her nanny also burst into laughter. I guess the sound of that little baby voice saying "no" is really funny.

I don't think any of us will be laughing as she breaks that one in, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that word came out of that cute little girl's mouth. You must have heard wrong.