Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Still NOT Vacation Pictures

But totally more cuteness anyway.

New words are coming fast and furious lately, and her new word of a couple of days is "happy." We thought it was "apple," which is kind of random, since we're not a huge apple eating family. But a couple of days ago it resolved more clearly into "happy." We think she got it from "If You're Happy and You Know It," which we and her nanny sing to her. So she toddles around the house going, "Happy. Happy. Happy." It's seriously the cutest thing I have seen ever.

We have also taught her how to dance lately, and anything will get her wiggling, including Mommy's changing table renditions of "Itsy Bitsy Spider," Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy," and Madonna's "Cherish." Also, this morning, when I brought her into our room to do her a.m. hang-out with Mommy and Daddy, she stood on the bed and held herself up by bracing on her dad, and started, I swear, booty bumping to the random R&B song that was on MTV. (I should clarify that MTV was on because Bruce was watching it and I had just brought Caetlin in; we switched to more baby-appropriate fare immediately after this hilarity.) It's hysterical when she dances, because it consists of a little shoulder-wiggle (well, unless she has Daddy for balance), and she gets so freaking pleased with herself. It's COMPLETELY adorable, and seriously, the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Also, she has discerned that Mommy is good for the cheap laughs of funny faces. She does this thing where she scrunches up her face and purses her lips, and then I do it back at her, and then she does it, and then I do it, and she laughs and laughs and laughs. It delights me so much to hear her laugh, I will be her monkey as long as she wants me to be. Because seriously- cutest thing I have ever seen.

Finally, remember that Mommy rendition of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" mentioned above? I do the hand motions with it when I can. She has started to ask for it by name, in the form of sign language- she puts her hands together and twists them back and forth. It took me a while before I realized what she was doing, and seriously?

Yeah, you know the rest.

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