Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I'm C-R-A-Z-Y busy at work, spending way too much time with my nose in a computer and far too little time with Caetlin and Bruce, but I wanted to provide a couple of quick updates, if for no other reason than to get that depressing post off the top.

First- Thanksgiving. Apparently, Caetlin will only eat mac and cheese if she can easily recognize it as mac and cheese, because she didn't like the homemade mac and cheese that was presented at Thanksgiving dinner. It was fabulous, so more for me. Also, turkey by itself is really bland, a point that was driven home to me by Caetlin- who is a resolute and happy carnivore- tasting, and then leaving, her turkey.

She was a real trooper, being dragged hither and yon, meeting so many new people. I'll try to post more about it all later (and yes, I know I still owe vacation pictures. I'll get to them. Some day. Expectations shouldn't be too high here- I still haven't put my wedding album together yet. Over three years later).

On the way home, she slept nearly all the way, and while I at first thought it was just because she was tired, after we got home I realized that she was burning up with fever. We dosed her with Motrin and tried to keep her comfortable, but she kept screaming (NOT like her, even when she is sick), so we took her to the emergency room. They determined that it wasn't her ears, and have done a urine culture, but Caetlin is feeling MUCH better today, after having spent a couple of days cranky and feverish. I strongly suspect that it was a reaction to the chicken pox vaccine that she received a week ago last Monday, though it was quite a more dramatic reaction than I was led to expect.

Anyway, she's happy and feeling better. All is right with the world.

Must get back to work now. More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Caetlin is doing well, even if it did include a trip to the ER! Try not to work too hard...