Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Back From Vacation

So, as I suspected, there was no internet access at the lovely cabin we rented in the wilds of north Georgia, so no blogging occurred. I'll post a longer telling of the week with more pictures, but the quick highlights:

-- I got the promised cold, but so very minorly, I didn't even have to take medicine. Hooray for zinc! I know it's not necessarily proven to work for everyone, but it sure did for me. I think I'll be pounding the Zicam next time Caetlin gets sick.

-- Bruce also got the promised cold, much worse than I did. Poor thing spent the whole trip hacking and sniffling.

-- The weather was absolutely PERFECT. We couldn't have asked for anything better. The first few days, it was even cloudless, but it never came close to raining or even really being overcast.

-- Though the fall colors were not as bright as they normally are, given the horrible drought we've been having, it was still quite pretty. And not lost on our California-bred friends, who observed, "It's all relative," when we bemoaned the skimpy fall. And then proceeded to "Oooh" and "Aaah" appropriately.

-- Caetlin and her "cousin" got along great, though Cousin K was a little rough with Caetlin. It's the age, though- she doesn't get that Caetlin can't quite corner very well yet.

I think this generally sums the week up the best, though.

More later.

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