Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Begins with Blah

So, Happy New Year! I rang in the new year by dozing through an old episode of Entourage with Bruce. Hope yours was as exciting or not as you wanted it to be.

I'm sick. Caetlin is sick. We both have colds that started pretty mild and quickly morphed into something ugly and hacking and snotty. It's not been pretty. Blah.

We got to see Devon and her adorable son this morning, but it was for far too short a time- only the length of brunch. And because Caetlin is sick, she was a complete pain in the booty and Bruce had to inhale his breakfast so he could take her outside (he was wonderful enough to let me try to enjoy the little time we had to visit). And then they were off to Charleston to visit her family, and I'm left to miss them once again. Blah.

Georgia won its bowl game in spectacularly blah fashion. It's been a tale of two different Bulldog teams all season, and the bad team showed up in the first half and the good team showed up for most of the second half. The game should not have been as close as it was. And so, Georgia football ends until late August. A mediocre team playing a mediocre season ends with a mediocre win. Blah.

So 2009 rings in with...blah. *snortle*

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