Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

32 Weeks

We had another ultrasound this afternoon. The good news is that the placenta has moved plenty far away from the cervix. The even better news is that Segunda appears perfectly healthy. No cleft lip, all 4 chambers of the heart showing up and beating, diaphragm, stomach and kidneys all in the correct places and appearing normal and working. We saw her practice breathing, a sign of a happy baby according to the ultrasound tech. We saw her little face, her eyes and mouth opening and closing, and according to the tech, she has hair (I couldn't see it myself). She's a little over 4 pounds, which is exactly as big as she should be for her gestational age, not that there was much question about when she was conceived.

The so-so news is that she is breech. I thought she had turned head down, and maybe she had, but she's back to head up. My little contortionist has one foot up by her head and one foot under her bottom, and is lying on her left side.

It's not a huge problem if I have to have a C-section because she's breech, but I really would prefer not to have a C-section if I can help it. I really want to try to have labor start naturally this time, instead of being induced as I was with Caetlin, and I even want to try an unmedicated delivery. I am not one of those crunchy natural birth people like Riki Lake- I want to have my baby in the hospital, and I am not opposed to medication if it turns out that I can't handle the pain, and I won't be crushed if I end up having to have a C-section. That said, I really do want to try it nature's way if I can this time. I think I would feel seriously empowered if I could have this baby without pain medication.

Anyway, the current breech baby in my ever-growing belly is not helping with that. Turn, kiddo! The OB didn't seem remotely worried about the positioning at this point, so that was comforting. She seemed to feel like we had plenty of time, she has plenty of room, and all will likely sort itself out. Fingers crossed.

And that's where we are at 32 weeks.

In unrelated-to-Segunda news, we actually rented the Charlotte house! That is hugely good news, since it helps us financially a lot. It takes a little of the pressure off the laid off one to find a new job at a certain salary right away. So, yay renter!

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