Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Caetlin Released from Hospital! These Stories, and Your Morning Weather, Just Ahead

[UPDATE, 5:30 p.m.- We're home. They let us go around 1 this afternoon, and after dropping off her prescriptions, we came straight home to major relief on all our parts and a couple of psycho lonely kitties. Caetlin, who remains exhausted because of the complete lack of routine and always-interrupted sleep, played for maybe an hour and then we put her down for a nap. She seemed so grateful to be in her own bed, she fell asleep almost immediately. I have somehow managed to stay awake-ish all afternoon; I'm trying to make it to a reasonable bedtime, but I am struggling. I hope I can get the good night's sleep I need so badly tonight.

My doctor's appointment this morning was sort of inconclusive. I do not apparently have pre-eclampsia; the protein in my urine was a result of me not eating enough that day. My pressure is still high, though, and I'm to go back on Monday for a re-check. My doctor suggests that our treatment course be that he see me twice a week, and if my pressure holds steady or goes down, great, but if it keeps trending up, he'll order me to bed.

Also, in good news, he confirmed that Segunda has turned head down, so that at least is off my plate. I really would love to be able to have labor start spontaneously, but even if I have to be induced as a result of my blood pressure, at least I can presumably deliver the usual way and won't necessarily need surgery. So that's good.

We are all so grateful to be home. This week has been so surreal. Thanks to all for your kind wishes and comments and prayers. They have meant a lot.]

So, Caetlin's labs showed enough improvement today, and they are sending us home. I can't tell you how grateful I am to be going home. No more IV, no more horrid non-schedule, no more saving diapers to have them weighed. Normal hygiene. My own bed where it's actually mostly dark and no one comes in eleventy hundred times a night.

But most of all what I am grateful for is that Caetlin is well, and can go home and run and play like she wants to. I have to offer my sincere thanks to everyone who treated her at Scottish Rite Hospital. Everyone was wonderful.

In other news, I'm off to the doctor again this morning. I'm still a complete wreck, so I have no idea what they are going to recommend or how they will deal with me. Fingers crossed I at least get the weekend to try to rest up before they send me to bedrest.


Anonymous said...

The best news I've received all week. Thanks for the updates, and best of luck with your appointment!

Devon said...

I am so glad to hear that you are all at home. Now go get some sleep, girl!