Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

34 Weeks

So, I went back to the doctor yesterday for my 34 week checkup, and things weren't all positive. Near the end of my pregnancy with Caetlin, I suffered from pregnancy-induced high blood pressure. Not pre-ecclampsia, thank goodness, but just plain old high blood pressure. The blood pressure is what required induced labor with Caetlin; at 5 days before my due date, they were like, let's just get this show on the road and the baby in the world.

Now, though, it's too early to deliver Segunda. While the pressure went down to an acceptable level after about 20 minutes lying quietly, suggesting that the condition is very mild, I can't exactly order my life around lying quietly all the time, so I'm not sure if or how it will progress. The doctor suggested I stop working, but that would be a third of my leave wasted before Segunda gets here, so I won't be stopping work until my doctor orders bed rest.

Unfortunately, that could happen as early as Tuesday, which is when I go back. If my pressure remains elevated at that time, they could order bed rest for me. Which I sincerely don't want.

I'm supposed to be taking it easy this weekend, but of course over the last week I've actually gotten busy with work, and I'm thrilled about it- it's good work, with people I've been begging to work with for the last almost 2 years. Unfortunately, it's all on a very short deadline, which means I'm headed into the office this afternoon. I don't want to blow this shot I have to really cultivate some good relationships. The timing really could not be worse.

The news wasn't all bad, though- the doctor said he thought Segunda was head down, and though that's not 100% certain without an ultrasound, I'll take it. At least that may mean I won't have to have a C-section after all, which I really, really want to avoid.

And, finally, to add insult to injury, I have these huge disgusting zits all over my chin. I'm 32 years old- that just seems like too much to bear. Even in the service of growing a Segunda. *sigh*

Anyway, I'll post more after my appointment on Tuesday. Wish me luck and relaxation!

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