Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Friday, February 13, 2009


A few random things that Caetlin says or does that I think are adorable:

- She says that people with bare feet "have toes on" instead of having shoes on.

- She has picked up a new verbal construction of "Isn't it?" So yesterday when we were on the way to the park for a little pre-dinner exercise (for her, not me, of course), we had a large green truck in the lane next to us, and she looked and said, "That's a big green truck, isn't it?" So incredibly cute in her baby voice.

- I might have mentioned that she's gotten really affectionate lately. She has decided that her favorite game at the park is running back and forth between Mommy and Daddy, crashing into us to give us hugs. It's awesome and wonderful, and if I don't squat or bend down to hug her, it's also unintentionally hilarious, because her head fits exactly underneath my belly.

- She has a talking, singing Care Bear named Cheer Bear that she adores, and every time she turns it on, almost regardless of what part of the house she's in, I can hear, "Hi! My name is Cheer Bear! I like rainbows and sunshine! What's your name?" And then I hear Caetlin say, intently, "Caetlin!" It cracks me up every time (despite how annoying I otherwise find Cheer Bear).

- She also has a pull string Woody doll (from Toy Story) and it says a bunch of different things, but the one she likes the best is, "Yee-haw, cowboy!" She usually will repeat that, more or less at full volume.

- If she wants me to sing to her, she asks me to sing: "Mommy sing it?" And if she wants me to stop, she'll say, "Mommy turn off?" I find this hilarious (and humbling).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are great :) I love that she replies to the Care Bear!