Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Yet More Medical Developments

In Caetlin news, her surgery is scheduled for February 23. Hopefully I will still be pregnant at that point.

In news regarding my own health, I visited the doctor again today, and I'm officially ordered out of work, since my blood pressure remains high. In (even) less encouraging news, I had protein in my urine again today, which leads the doctor to suspect pre-eclampsia again, without the excuse that my daughter is in the hospital this time. I had blood drawn and we'll see what that tells us tomorrow. I am at home now, but it is not out of the question that I would be hospitalized for the remainder of my pregnancy, if it is pre-eclampsia.

I am desperately trying to make it to the end of the month with Segunda, for her sake and mine. I am 37 weeks this Thursday, which is technically full term, but everything I read suggests that longer is better for babies, even beyond this 37 week threshold. Lungs are better developed, sucking reflex is better developed, babies just have better outcomes if they hang in there until 39 or 40 weeks. I am sure Segunda would be fine, but after all we've been through this last few months, is it really so much to ask that the baby stay inside until she's really all the way done?

Anyway, I'm not exactly on bed rest, but it is suggested that I basically be a couch potato. I am going to keep working remotely for the time being, just to give me something to do, and I suspect my bed and I will become even better acquainted than we are already. I haven't spent large amounts of time doing more or less nothing in many years, so it will be interesting to see how I cope, even connected as I am by internet, cell phone, etc. It's not quite the same as fresh air and human interaction.

To sum up: I'm to be spending large chunks of my remaining pregnant days in bed; hopefully those remaining pregnant days will number at least 20 or so; and please keep your fingers crossed that the blood work comes back okay and there is no pre-eclampsia.

I'm not terribly sure when we're going to catch a break. Maybe soon.


Mary said...

Hang in there, guys. We're thinking of you.

Shinyung said...

Patricia, what anxiety you must be going through. I am so relieved for you and Segunda that you guys have passed the 37 week marker. That's a huge relief. But I really hope for her sake that she hangs in there for a couple of more weeks. And I hope you get all the rest you need. Work can wait. I will keep my fingers crossed for the health of both of you.