Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Segunda Update

I had yet another doctor's appointment yesterday, at which my blood pressure was (surprise!) elevated, though not any more so than it has been. They also did another non-stress test, which I appear to be getting twice a week now.

Digression: very quick lay person's understanding of the non-stress test: the monitor measures baby's heart rate and uterine contractions. The baby's heart rate should increase, from an appropriate baseline, a certain number of beats per minute a certain number of times within a certain amount of time. It makes little "mountains" on the graph charting the heartbeat. Assuming baby's heart rate does the right thing, this is a sign that the baby is not in any distress from my high blood pressure- a "happy baby" as I have heard from the various nurses who have hooked me up to the monitors.

Anyway, yesterday, the baby started off swinging from my ribcage, as the nurse said, with a really high activity level and heart rate. Her heart rate never really went down enough to get a good baseline, plus my pressure didn't really come down as much as it has done in the past by resting in the office, so they sent me off to the hospital for additional monitoring.

Basically the monitoring in the hospital showed that everything was perfect, the baby was really happy, and my pressure was down as well. I think lying in a more comfortable bed as opposed to a hard exam table may have had something to do with it. I also think there was a slight bit of operator error in the setup of the monitors; for the last 15 minutes in the doctor's office I was holding the sensor in place with my hands and pressing down to keep it reading the baby's heartbeat. They are too nice in my doctor's office; the nurses don't want to strap the sensors down tightly enough for my comfort. In the hospital, the nurse had no problems strapping me in really tightly, which made me more relaxed and comfortable and helped get a more accurate reading.

So after that exciting but time consuming exercise that ultimately didn't change anything, we were sent home with rather more restrictive bed rest instructions and a direction to come back to the doctor Monday morning for a pressure check. I'm still pregnant, just not really able to leave the bed or couch much this weekend.

As Caetlin's surgery is currently scheduled for Monday, I am hoping and praying to keep the baby inside until that is over, though I am concerned they will postpone the surgery because she has a very slight cold. (Bruce has the cold as well, which means I am surrounded by people streaming infectious secretions from their noses and mouths and desperately trying not to touch anything they might have touched. I am reaching OCD levels of hand sanitizing and washing. I DO NOT want to have to go through labor and delivery with a head cold.)

So, all remains as well as possible, Segunda still on the inside. I'm set up for a long weekend in bed/on the couch. It's all a game of chicken right now. I see my regular doctor on Tuesday, and will likely then get a definite induction date. More updates to follow as more news develops.

OH! Also at yesterday's cervix check, I am 1 centimeter dilated, and still "thick" (meaning little or no effacement). By reaching for my tonsils, the doctor was able to touch Segunda's head, which was uncomfortable and strange. But encouraging! Stuff is happening! Considering I was closed up tight when I was induced with Caetlin (leading, I think, to my long- 26 hours- labor), this is huge news for me! Woo-hoo!

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