Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Segunda Update: Still Pregnant

I'm still pregnant. Today was 39 weeks. My blood pressure is still high, though still high-normal, so not requiring immediate induction. At my appointment on Tuesday, my regular OB indicated that there is no cervical change; everything was still closed up tight. That can change quickly, of course, but given that my due date is a week from today, it was a little disheartening. We set a definite induction date of next Friday, March 6, if baby hasn't made her appearance by then.

I have a cold that has so far *knock wood* been pretty mild, and I hope to be sufficiently over it when it's time to have the baby, whatever time that is. It's been annoying at worst, but it's also making it tough for me to sleep. I think the bed rest is also interrupting my sleep, in that I suspect I am not active enough for me to sleep at night. I'm getting 1-3 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night, and the rest of the time I am awake every 20 minutes or so. I'm not ever getting into a deep sleep. I can feel that I am tired and sleepy, and yet I can't slip over the edge to sleep. It is so much worse than the sleep deprivation was with newborn Caetlin. I am resolved to ask my doctor tomorrow about some kind of sleeping pill. I need to rest to get better, to keep my blood pressure down, to rest up for labor and delivery.

So, I see the doctor again tomorrow morning. Hopefully there will be progress. But not too much! I have some stuff to do Saturday that I would very much like to accomplish. After that- well, any time, Segunda. Any time.

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