Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton...oh, wait. I do.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Health, Caetlin's Health...The Saga Continues

So, my blood pressure is up and looks to remain that way for the remainder of my pregnancy. At my last doctor visit last Thursday, my doctor clearly didn't want to push me to take some time off work, but he also pretty clearly wanted to recommend it. I told him I wanted to take the weekend and decide, and given how low my pressure gets when I literally do nothing- lay around in bed and watch TV or read or surf the internet- it seems a good move to go ahead and take the leave. It will be covered as short term disability, which will continue my pay at 100% of my salary until I have the baby and start maternity leave. I go back tomorrow morning and will likely go ahead and ask for the recommendation. I don't have much happening at work, but the little that I do have can certainly be done remotely. I cleaned my office last week and did filing and labeled the stacks of stuff remaining. I need to find someone who can take custody of the plants I have in my office, or at least ask my secretary to calendar watering them into her schedule, but mostly, all is set for me to be away for a number of months. There is no reason, other than personal, that I should continue to show up to surf the firm's internet when it would be better for my health and that of Segunda's if I spent more time at home. (The personal reason is just because I envision being cooped up at home most of the time, and I would miss the personal interaction at work.)

Caetlin started her new prophylactic antibiotic on Thursday, and by Saturday afternoon it appeared that her innards were reacting very badly. She spent all day Saturday having the worst diarrhea I have ever seen from her, and she clearly wasn't feeling well, though she remained happy and energetic. It was more that her bottom and possibly her tummy was troubling her. We got diaper cream on her as soon as we could, and have laced her baths with baking soda, but she's still a little rashy. Anyway, we called the pediatrician last night, more because I worried about the diarrhea being a side effect of the drug than that I was specifically worried about the diarrhea itself. She was not acting cranky or lethargic and she was drinking a lot, though the pediatrician was concerned about her output and suggested that if it kept up in volume the way it had been (she was putting out more than she was taking in, for awhile yesterday afternoon), we might need to take her- where else?- back to the hospital for some IV fluids. It didn't get to that, though, as she didn't have a bad diaper all night last night, and her poop has firmed up a bit over the course of today.

We did not give her the new antibiotic today; we're going to leave off for another day or two and then start her back to see if it is just bad timing with an intestinal bug of some kind, or if it really is a reaction to her antibiotic. My money is on the drug, but we'll see. It is yet another reason to schedule the procedure soon, if she can't tolerate this new drug.

She's otherwise really good and really happy. She's also gotten really snuggly and affectionate over the last few days, which is of course my Kryptonite for trying to enforce any sort of order. I went in to her room this afternoon not long after Bruce put her down for her nap, with the goal of trying to get her to lay down so I could cover her with her blanket and hopefully help her get to sleep. She stood up and just started hugging me, holding me in her arms and nuzzling her face into my chest. We stayed like that for 15 minutes, because I couldn't bear to end it. Sap that I am.

Anyway, we're getting back on the phone with Caetlin's pediatrician tomorrow, and I'm back at the doctor's office tomorrow morning as well. We're all tired of being at the doctor's, I think, even as much as we love them.

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